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Performances/Speaking Engagements


Santa Fe-September 3

Los Angeles- September 15

Welcome to


eye rip raps; on same microphones poetry.
eye balance formality with artistic integrity.
eye close deals, book shows, then pen prose. 
eye cook meals before heading to post bills .
eye read to the youth; record to the beat.
eye flow, consult, lecture, teach & speak. 
eye blog & tweet; send messages to senders. 
eye fool to the internet; slave to lender.

eye write for the love. 
eye fight for the write. 
eye am a writer.
eye write.

Our Classes


Learning for the whole family!

  • Reading/Tutoring

  • Chess

  • Parenting

  • Empowerment

Upcoming Events & Projects

We Have Our Hands Full


Not only is WE HAVE OUR HANDS FULL (WHOHF) the name of our family enterprise, but it is indeed our everyday reality. Being true to the name, the time has come for us to seek representation for our many talents: music, acting, speaking, modeling, dancing, vegan baking, comedy, etc. Looking for a visionary who has great respect for family, and a passion for marketing. Please contact if qualified.

Oriana Lee

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